How do you stay safe after the Adverse weather conditions?

- Avoid touching outdoor metal and electrical devices exposed to the weather
- Avoid walking or standing on cracked sidewalks or surfaces to prevent sudden falls
- Avoid walking or swimming in water puddles, as they may hide holes that could cause injury or may be contaminated
- Avoid using or touching collected water outside, as it may be contaminated
- Pay attention to the condition of the road surface and avoid crossing over water puddles and areas flooded by rain
- Make sure to wear long sleeves and protective clothing that covers the arms and legs to protect against insects that appear after rainy weather and water accumulations
- Stay away from stagnant water, as it may attract mosquitoes and other insects, increasing the risk of diseases
- Avoid entering outdoor pools exposed to rainwater
- Use water from a safe source for drinking, washing, and food preparation, or use bottled water that has not been exposed to floodwater