The Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, in partnership with PureHealth, organised a session hosted by Rym bint Abdullah Al Falasy, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Motherhood and Childhood, on the Emirati Women Chapter (EWC) programme. The event gathered women from various fields, including health and sports, and discussed the achievements and prominent roles attained by UAE National women in Abu Dhabi and the UAE.

The session was part of the preliminary programme for the Fatima bint Mubarak Motherhood and Childhood Forum on Mental Health, which will take place on 10 October 2024 in Abu Dhabi. The forum aims to foster a comprehensive dialogue on mental health issues related to motherhood and childhood in the UAE, focusing on children, adolescents, families, and women. It aims to promote community-based approaches to raise awareness, provide support, offer effective solutions, exchange experiences, discuss relevant policies, and enhance cooperation among concerned entities.

The EWC programme aims to ensure that UAE National women receive efficient training, continuous learning, and professional guidance to support them in achieving their aspirations. The programme is designed to empower UAE National women in all sectors, by teaching them the skills needed to excel in their professional and personal lives.

Her Excellency Rym Abdullah Al Falasy, Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Motherhood and Childhood, shared her experience in the public sector and her leadership role in managing the council. Her Excellency said that her primary inspiration is Her Highness Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, Chairwoman of the General Women's Union, President of the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, Supreme Chairwoman of the Family Development Foundation, and Mother of the Nation, a pioneer in empowering UAE National women and the foremost supporter of their rights and roles in sustainable development.

Her Excellency presented the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood's strategy, highlighting key projects for the current year, with the Fatima bint Mubarak Motherhood and Childhood Forum on Mental Health at the forefront. The forum will be a launching point for further initiatives supporting women and children, contributing to the cohesion of UAE National families as the fundamental building block of society and nurturing future generations capable of carrying the nation's banner and continuing its successful journey toward achieving its aspirations.

Her Excellency said that empowering women, enhancing their skills and capabilities in various fields, and providing them with opportunities can impact their mental health on both individual and collective levels. Successful, active, and influential role models who perform their duties efficiently and take on responsibilities effectively inspire and encourage women across the nation to take the initiative, overcome barriers, and strive for greater contributions, excellence, and success.

Her Excellency said the UAE today represents one of the world's leading models in empowering women and providing opportunities for them to take on leadership roles in various fields, politically as ministers and parliamentarians, legally as judges, lawyers, and prosecutors, and administratively as directors and senior officials.

The session featured Dr Beatrice Hinkel, an expert in self-leadership, who discussed the importance of women understanding their skills and capabilities and setting goals based on their strengths. Nirvana Yahya, a strategic performance coach, discussed the numerous roles women play in their environments, at home, with family, at work, and in the community, enabling them to make significant impacts and qualify for leadership roles that make a real difference.

Ahd Shehab, an athlete and trainer, highlighted the relationship between physical movement and happiness hormones, explaining how muscle activity generates happiness hormones and the importance of physical performance. The session was also attended by Shaista Asif, Group Chief Executive Officer of PureHealth, and highlighted the mentorship programme designed to assist UAE National women in reaching their personal and professional aspirations.

The EWC programme aims to engage UAE National women in various areas, including sports, poetry, writing, medical programme development, and community-enhancing initiatives. The programme also focuses on self-efficiency development, designed to bolster self-skills and personal strengths, with each participant receiving tailored coaching to enhance her personality, showcase her attributes, and develop her skills through mentorship in their chosen fields.